Billy Mambrasar , St Hugh’s College 2017
Candidate Master of Science in Major Program Management, University of Oxford
Indonesia telah menjadi anggota dari G-20 dan akan menjadi salah satu kekuatan ekonomi terbesar di dunia. Akan tetapi, tingkat produktifitas tenaga kerja yang rendah, terutama di kawasan Indonesia Timur, yang disebabkan oleh ketidakmerataan pendidikan dan kesempatan telah membuatkan terciptanya kesenjangan keahlian dan kemampuan. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia telah menjawab tangan ini dengan membuat sekolah-sekolah kejuruan. Namun statistik menyatakan bahwa jumpah pengangguran di Papua yang telah mencapai 51, 728 orang 9,93% nya adalah lulusan sekolah kejuruan.
Billy Mambrasar, sebagai seorang putra Papua dan mahasiswa Paska Sarjana di Universitas Oxford melihat hal ini sebagai suatu mega program yang harus dijalankan bersama seluruh pemangku kepentingan di Indonesia. Billy telah berinisiasi dengan memulai sebuah organisasi non profit Kitong Bisa yang akan menjadi sebuah peluru yang melesat untuk berusaha menjadikan putra putri papua menjadi wiraswasta yang akan menjadi penggerak ekonomi daerah. Kitong Bisa yang dipimpin Billy berusaha melengkapi kemampuan yang diperlukan oleh para pemuda pemudi Papua untuk ber tranformasi menjadi para wiraswastawan/wati yang mandiri dan dapat menjadi kekuatan ekonomi Indoensia Timur.
Sekilas tentang Gracia Billy Mambrasar :
Personal information
- First name(s) / Surname(s) Gracia Billy Mambrasar
- Address(es) Jalan Hiu Kalimati, Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, Provinsi Papua, Telephone and email +6281337703545 ; graciabilly.mambrasar@bp.com
Work experience
- Employer Kitong Bisa Education Consultant - April 2009 - Now
- Occupation or position held FOUNDER and CEO
Employer British Petroleum (BP) Global Project Organization for Asia Pacific - January 2015 – Now (2 Years) (Still Employed – Full Time)
- Consulting and Project Based Work Employer Ministry of Education and Culture Occupation or position held Advisor and Consultant
- Employer Huynh Tan Phat Fundation, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Occupation or position held Strategic Planning Consultant (Full Time Project Basis)
- University of Oxford – Master of Science in Major Programme Management (October 2017 – Finish in August 2019)
- College of Business and Economics - Masters of Business Administration – The Australian National University (Project
Management Courses, Strategic Management, Introduction to Finance, Business Economics, Integrated Business Projects, Accounting
and Reporting, Marketing)
- Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering – Bachelor of Engineering – Institut Teknologi Bandung (Courses: Exploration Tools
and Techniques, Geotechnical Principles, Numerical Methods, Exploration Management, Statistics, Geophysics, Geology)
- University of London – Academic Direction : London School of Economics – Bachelor of Science (BSc) – Politics and International Relations
Achievements and Honours
- Indonesia Delegates on the Youth Assembly – The United Nations Head Quarter, New York City, USA - 2017
- Representing Indonesia to Yunus Center, Delivered a speech about SDG infront of the Nobel Laurrete: Prof. Muhammad
Yunus – Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017
- World Islamic Economic Forum - Youth Fellow – Singapore (2016)
- Featured in Jakarta Globe, National English Channel – Indonesia (2016)
- Professional Fellows – USA State Department – Washington DC and Chicago, USA (2015)
- Asia Pacific Youth Organization, LAP, Indonesian Delegate, Malaysia (2015)
- Student of the year, VC Chancellor Special Commendation – ANU – Australia (2015)
- The Highest Marketing Grade and the Best Marketing Plan – ANU – Australia (2014)
- Featured in Margin Magazine, Australia (2014)
- The Best Business Pitch – College of Business and Economics – ANU – Australia (2013)
- Australia Award Scholarship – Australia (2012)
- Indonesian Next Potential Leader, Metro TV, Finalist, Indonesia (2009)
- ITB Delegates of Harvard National Model of United Nations, Harvard University, USA (2008)
- Top 60 Indonesian Idol, National Singing Competition, Indonesia (2006)
- Papuan Role Model, “Kabar Dari Teluk”, Magazine (2008)
Volunteering and Part Time Work Experience
- Strategic Advisor for Desk Papua in the Ministry of Education and Cultural affairs of Indonesia - Part time February 2016 – Now
- Founder, CEO and Advisor of Kitong Bisa Social Enterprise (www.kitongbisa.com) – Part time April 2009 - Now
Founded it as a non-profit in 2009, changed the legal status into social enterprise in 2016 after merging with an IT and Consultant company calle AIST. It Provides free management consulting for youth in Vietnam and Indonesia, regarding abilities to start up social and non-profit initiatives in Education and Youth development. Working with 13 Other volunteers from private sectors who are willing to contribute their times for doing free consulting pro-bono
- Tangguh LNG Papuan Development Program Advisor – Part time - British Petroleum (BP) Indonesia April 2009